#MaskholeClapbacks Volume 2

These humorous comebacks are for entertainment purposes only. Seriously, please don't engage with anyone who might put your safety at risk.


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask, don’t you know about herd immunity

Me: Oh yes, I heard immunity from past infection & vaccines wanes within months

Stranger: Where’d you hear that from

Me: Would it make you feel better if I said some rando on YouTube


Stranger: Masks don’t work, bet you’re wearing one to annoy people for shits & giggles

Me: They work great for blocking strong smells like diarrhea. The new Covid variants are causing such bad gastrointestinal symptoms, it’s ALL shits and giggles…till someone giggles and shits.


Stranger in grocery store: Why you wearing a mask

Me: My full HAZMAT suit is at the cleaners

Stranger: LOL what makes you think you need a HAZMAT suit

Me: For protection in an environment with a BSL-3 pathogen present

Stranger: Where would that be

Me: This grocery store


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: I believe in science, &hundreds of studies say that masking protects us from airborne pathogens

Stranger: You’re in a cult

Me: It’s not a cult, we’re a family of caring people & all are welcome, there is room for you too

Stranger: Fuck this


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: I’m in a new weight loss program, Mask-Aweigh. If I try to remove my mask to eat, I get an electric shock.

Stranger: Does it work

Me: Oh yeah the shock is pretty powerful, come here I’ll let you feel it


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: For my rescue dog. He was neglected & abused before I adopted him. He’s already suffered enough so I refuse to bring Covid home. Dogs get sick from it too.

Stranger: LOL, all that for a dog

Me: (tearfully) You don’t understand, he rescued ME


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: Don’t want to get arrested again

Stranger: What

Me: I’m sick & accidentally sneezed on a lady in a parking lot. She thought I spit on her & her car so she called 911. Cops took me in since spitting counts as assault.

Stranger: (blank stare)


Stranger: Nice mask dumbass, bet you got your microchip vaccine too didn’t ya

Me: Interesting you’d say that, I heard they aerosolized the microchips & they’re everywhere in the air now

Stranger: What

Me: Joke’s on them, respirators filter it all out, I got extras if you want


Stranger: (sarcastically) Nice mask, hot stuff, lookin’ good LOL

Me: Please stop fetishizing people who wear masks

Stranger: What

Me: I’m not judging you for being turned on, it’s a free country and you can have any kink you want, just don’t treat us like sexual objects please


Unmasked Healthcare Worker: Why you wearing a mask

Me: When the pandemic began, I watched a video from healthcare workers asking Americans to mask up. I was so moved I signed an online pledge saying I’d mask up till WHO declared the pandemic over. I’m doing it for you. Still.


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: Learning loss

Stranger: What

Me: I’m learning people like you have lost your fucking minds. This mask is the only thing standing between me & a BSL-3 airborne pathogen. Take a moment & look that shit up. Educate yourself before vanity kills you.


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: Learning loss

Stranger: What

Me: Remember how we learned that Covid is dangerous & even if vaccinated you can still be disabled or die if you get it, but masking helps avoid infection

Stranger: (blank stare)

Me: Sorry for your learning loss


Stranger: Take off that stupid mask

Me: Well, our current public health approach is ‘you do you,’ so I’m doing me. If I unmask for your comfort, then I’m doing you too. Why don’t we take turns? Here’s a spare mask, you can do me first, then I can do you—

Stranger: Fuck you


Stranger: Hey numbnuts, why you wearing a mask

Me: Don’t want erectile dysfunction, lots of my friends are having issues with it since they had Covid

Stranger: What

Me: Yeah, their wives & girlfriends are really sad about it &have been reaching out to me for support, it’s weird


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: It’s a show of solidarity for all the brave bros at Burning Man. Their festival sucked and now they’re stranded in the desert. If they cry, no one will hear them. So I mask to share their silence. Stranger: Jesus, stop already


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: For the Groundhog

Stranger: WTF

Me: That’s what I call my junk

Stranger: Why

Me :If I see its shadow I can predict what happens next. I'm not letting Covid take that away with the erectile dysfunction it causes. I want every day to be Groundhog Day!


Stranger in drugstore: Why you wearing a mask

Me: So you won’t smell my breath, I accidentally swallowed my vape pen

Stranger: What

Me: Yeah they sent me home from work after I made the whole building smell like menthol & cotton candy… hey do you know where the laxatives are


Stranger: Stupid sheep in a mask

Me: Thanks

Stranger: What

Me: For calling me a sheep, thank you! Sheep are intelligent, compassionate creatures who flock together to protect each other from threats. Humans are garbage compared to sheep.

Stranger: WTF

Me: Baa baa biaaaatch!


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask, nobody else is

Me: It’s to protect you, I’m sorry so many others won’t

Stranger: Well it’s weird, you should give it up

Me: I just want to say that I’m…never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna— Stranger: Fuck you



Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: My job makes me, I’m in close contact w/the public

Stranger: What do you do

Me: I’m in sales. You know about vacation ownership? I bet you think you can’t afford to buy a timeshare, but I’m about to show you why you can’t afford NOT to buy a timeshare


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: (doubling over and dry heaving)

Stranger: Never mind


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: It’s an N95 respirator

Stranger: N95 respa-what-the-fuck, you can’t just go making up names for shit, it’s a mask

Me: Ok my mask is to protect me from SARS

Stranger: What

Me: 4th leading cause of death, someone made up the name Covid for it


Stranger in grocery store: Why you wearing a mask

Me: My teen son started using Axe body spray, my whole house reeks of it so this is to block the smell

Stranger: Well why you wearing it here

Me: He’s somewhere in the store too, I keep running away from him but he finds me


Stranger: Hey dickbag why you wearing a mask

Me: So people will look at my face instead of my ass & titties

Stranger: (seems confused, looks away)



Stranger: Hey asshole, why you wearing a mask

Me: It helps me meet people like you

Stranger: What

Me: I have a shaming fetish, it really excites me to be insulted

Stranger: What

Me: Hey could you please call me asshole again, but say it really slow...& look me in the eye too


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: Joined a frat

Stranger: Hazing?

Me: No hazing, it’s a business fraternity. There are successful businesses owned by people too sick to keep running them so they’re selling. I’m buying them up & staying healthy so I can make a shitload of cash.


Stranger: (warm & friendly) Hiii, I’m Kevin, nice to meet you. I see you’re wearing a mask. I understand it’s hard for some folks to accept they don’t have to be worn anymore. I’m here if you wanna talk.

Me: Thanks Kev. I’d like to extend the same offer to you about your man bun.


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: My gold teeth, they make me a target for theft. Hey you look familiar. Aren’t you the guy who chased me around Home Depot with pliers trying to pull out my teeth?

Stranger: WTF, no

Me: Yes you are, don’t walk away, I’m calling the cops


Stranger in grocery store: Why you wearing a mask, Covid is a hoax

Me: Where did you hear that

Stranger: YouTube

Me: Why you buying pizza, I saw on YouTube that only pedophiles eat pizza

Stranger: What, that’s bullshit

Me: Well maybe YouTube isn’t a reliable info source then


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: I’m waiting for the rapture. If I ascend into the sky, temps get colder the higher up I go, but this mask keeps my breath warm. If I’m left behind, the air will be toxic because of all the end-of-time disasters and stuff. I’m covered both ways.


Stranger: (fake coughs upon seeing me in a mask)

Me: (fake coughs louder)

Stranger: (fake coughs even louder)

Me: (coughs 7 times to the tune of ‘Shave & a Haircut, 2 bits')

Stranger: (blank stare) Me: I win, fuck you LOL


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: All ninjas wear masks

Stranger: LOL you wish

Me: No seriously, I’m training under a Shinobi Master & learning discipline by enduring discomfort

Stranger: Oh ok, masks are pretty uncomfortable

Me: I’m talking about you harassing me, asshole


Stranger: Take that stupid mask off

Me: Excuse me, are you demanding that I remove what I’m wearing

Stranger: Yeah take it off



Stranger in grocery store: Why you wearing a mask

Me: For crop dusting

Stranger: Oh yeah that’s hazardous work, I see

Me: Why don’t you look up crop dusting on Urban Dictionary

Stranger: (looks on phone, looks up in horror)

Me: (crop dusts stranger while wheeling grocery cart away)


Stranger: (fake coughs loudly upon seeing me in a mask)

Me: Are you ok

Stranger: Yeah

Me: You should probably see a doctor for that fake cough

Stranger: What

Me: Faking symptoms of illness for attention could be a sign of Munchausen Syndrome, a serious psychological disorder


Stranger: Why you wearing that mask

Me: To prove that it’s possible to be pro-choice and pro-life at the same time

Stranger: (blank stare)


Stranger: Hey idiot, look around… you see anyone else in here masked

Me: No, just me

Stranger: Well how does that make your feel

Me: Pretty sad, I wish I could talk to my friends about it, but they all jumped off a cliff together & I didn’t join them


Stranger: (sees me in a mask, fake coughs loudly)

Me: You should get that cough checked, that’s exactly how my neighbor sounded the other day

Stranger: LOL well we probably got the same mild cold, tell your neighbor I said get well soon

Me: I can’t

Stranger: Why

Me: He’s dead


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: I’m practicing good hand hygiene, duh

Stranger: What

Me: I just washed my hands vigorously with soap & water for 20 seconds. They’ve never been cleaner. If I breathe germs on them then what good is that going to do me? This is basic science.


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: My partner & I are trying to conceive, going to the fertility doc today

Stranger: Healthcare places don’t require masks anymore

Me: Yeah I know, just dropping off some semen for testing, the mask is keeping it put till I get there


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: Trust me, it’s for your benefit

Stranger: Why

Me: I just snorted bath salts & everyone’s face is looking delicious right about now


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: It says I have to in Leviticus 13:45: Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of their face & cry out, 'Unclean!’ Which is why my hair looks like shit too, just so ya know


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask? Time to get over COVID. There are bigger social issues that matter, like gun control. Do you realize there’s a greater chance a witnessing a mass shooting than getting COVID today?

Me: Duh, of course. The mask is to block the gunpowder & smoke.


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask, they don’t work

Me: So if you had surgery you wouldn’t want a masked surgeon

Stranger: That’s different, I don’t want anyone breathing germs onto my raw, exposed organs

Me: Like inhaling germs into your raw, exposed lungs

Stranger: Yes. No wait, wtf


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: I’m going to a costume party

Stranger: Oh… ok so what exactly are supposed to be

Me: A human being whose self-preservation instincts are still intact


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: Wow that’s a really personal question, don’t you think we should get to know each other better first before we start talking about medical stuff

Stranger: What

Me: I’ll go first, what are your pronouns

Stranger: Oh fuck this


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: I’m trying to set a good example for our new CDC Director



Stranger: Why you wearing a mask

Me: To block the smell of pumpkin spice, it’s everywhere

Stranger: Yeah I get it, it’s too sweet

Me: It’s not that, it’s the senseless violence against pumpkins this time of year that upsets me, I can’t handle the smell of death

Stranger: What


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask, haven’t you heard of immune debt

Me: Yeah, I was immunocompromised before I got COVID & my immune system is even worse off now so if I get it again I will have to file for immune bankruptcy

Stranger: What

Me: And my credit score is already bad


Stranger: Why you wearing a mask, don’t you know you’re breathing your own carbon dioxide

Me: You mean as opposed to breathing everyone else’s? LOL, how primitive. Do you also have other people spit their saliva in your mouth when you eat?

Stranger: What


Click here for #MaskholeClapbacks Volume 1

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In good humor and solidarity,

Guiness Pig