Jesus Would Mask - A Poem

As you fast and you pray
In this season of Lent
As you sacrifice comforts
And humbly repent
There’s one extra thing
You could reasonably do
Mask up to save lives
Just as Jesus saved you
It was five years ago
When a virus arrived
Upending the world,
Claiming millions of lives
We masked out of caution,
For everyone cared
Adapting, persisting
The burden, we shared
The following year
When our leaders gave voice
To the idea of safety
As personal choice
Masks were abandoned,
Put back on the shelves
And the high-risk, discarded
To fend for themselves
The virus, still thriving
Now fully enabled
As countless more perish
And more are disabled
Immune systems wrecked
And mistrust of vaccines
Means pathogens plenty
Have entered the scene
The single best weapon
We have in this fight
(More than 400 studies
Will prove that I’m right)
Is masking in public
And nothing works greater
Than an N95
(Or better) respirator
Perhaps you have wondered
What would Jesus do?
In this modern-day era
Of pathogen stew
He’d put on a mask
And He'd wear it with pride
He’d walk by the terrified
Lone masker’s side
For all ye who labor
He’d mask without care
And forbid not schoolchildren
The right to clean air
He’d mask for the sick
To prevent further ills,
And the poor who cannot
Afford hospital bills
I urge you, dear Christian,
For just a short while
To lay down your comfort
Your vanity, your smile
The illusion of normal,
Your every misgiving
Which keeps you from masking
So others keep living
Christ tells us in scripture
It’s clear as can be
What you’ve done for the least
Of these, you’ve done for me
For your brothers and sisters
(And for yourself, too)
Mask up to save lives
Just as Jesus saved you.
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